Lakhani Tech Institute

wordpress Development

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iman abdul rahim


Iman Rahim Lakhani


Discrete Courses

Rs. 10,000/-


Master the art of WordPress to design and create dynamic websites. This course immerses you in the world of web development, teaching you the skills needed to build and customize websites using WordPress as your canvas.

Learning Outcome

  • Website Creation: Develop functional and visually appealing websites from scratch using WordPress.
  • Theme Customization: Customize WordPress themes to match your unique design vision and brand identity.
  • Plugin Integration: Learn how to integrate and configure essential plugins for enhanced website functionality.
  • Responsive Design: Create websites that adapt seamlessly to various devices, ensuring a mobile-friendly experience.
  • Content Management: Master content creation and management, including posts, pages, and multimedia elements.
  • SEO Optimization: Optimize websites for search engines to improve online visibility.
  • Security Measures: Implement security best practices to safeguard your websites from potential threats.
  • Troubleshooting: Develop problem-solving skills to address common WordPress issues.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimize website speed and performance for a better user experience.
  • Website Deployment: Learn how to launch and maintain WordPress websites effectively.


  • WordPress
  • Godaddy
  • cpanel

Duration Time - 2 months

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